I care about people emerging into their true selves, and I am interested in examining that which gets in their way.


1. On April 9, I created a webinar called “How are you BEING with what is occurring?” with co-host Annmarie Chereso (of BringIt Home), featuring seven young adults to help parents and kids navigate these weird COVID19 waters more effectively! It’s about an hour and a half. Check it out below:


2. On April 6, I was on the radio here in the SF Bay Area and the host and I addressed listener questions for about 20 minutes. It wasn’t your typical radio conversation cuz you know me, I had to address the heart as well as the brain… https://kcbsradio.radio.com/articles/answering-your-questions-on-distance-learning-at-home 

3. On April 5, I was on Philadelphia’s ABC affiliate station program “Inside Story” where we had an excellent convo on this new brand of “homeschooling” we’re all doing. Clip is about 14 minutes. https://6abc.com/inside-story-education-from-home-school-teaching-tips/6073928/

4. On March 26, I put together a webinar called “10 Tips for Parents on Sheltering in Place Without Losing Your Mind,” with special guest NYT bestselling author Debbie Reber (Differently Wired). It’s about an hour and ten minutes. Check it out below. And download this PDF summary of the ten tips! And my sincerest apologies to those of you who wanted to watch it live but could not. I had Zoom issues - so sorry for the hassle!!


5. On March 15, with Coronavirus newly upon us, I and some expert friends of mine (Cara Natterson MD, Lori Gottlieb, Tina Payne Bryson, Katherine Reynolds Lewis, and Debbie Reber) put together this webinar to try to give you the advice you need that will yield the peace of mind you may be hungry for in these uncertain times. Runs about an hour and twenty minutes.





After hundreds of talks with parents around the world, here’s what I’ve come to. We parents are the lucky humans given the humbling task of raising a child. We’re supposed to be alongside them, guiding them, giving them more and more room to try, learn, grow, persevere, achieve. But, these days, we can tend to get in the way, by micromanaging our kid’s path or by outright dragging them down it. We think we know what we’re doing—but we end up depriving them of developing self-efficacy. And that leads to anxiety and depression. So. We have to get our act together. We have to get out of our kid’s way so they can develop the skills and smarts they’ll need in order to thrive as adults. Here’s my “Four… Three… Two… One… Go!” method for raising adults:

FOUR: The four steps for teaching your child any skill (which I learned from my awesome friend Stacey Ashlund):

You do it for them
You do it with them
You watch them do it
They do it on their own

Here’s a cute animated illustration of the four steps!

Visit our shop featuring “four steps” merchandise!

THREE: The three things you gotta stop doing ASAP:

Stop saying “we” when you really mean your child (e.g. “We’re on the soccer team.” No, you’re not!)
Stop arguing with teachers, coaches, etc. Teach your kid to respectfully advocate for themselves.
Stop doing their homework.

TWO: The two things that really matter when it comes to parenting:

Chores and love.

The longest study of humans ever conducted shows that those who were professionally successful in life did chores as a kid (or had a part time job in high school). Why? Doing chores teaches a kid a work ethic. They learn to roll up their sleeves, pitch in, do the stuff that must be done, even the unpleasant stuff, in order to contribute to the greater whole. That’s what gets them ahead in the workplace.

Love seems pretty obvious, but these days we tend to show our kids conditional love (we love them when they’re getting the results we’re proud of) instead of unconditional love (we love them no matter what). You want to be loved unconditionally, right? Well, so does your kid.

I cover chores and love in my TED Talk.

ONE: The one-week cleanse to get your relationship with your kid back on track:

Put down your technology (and make them put down theirs), look them in the eye, and start by saying this:

“Hey kid, I know I’m always asking you about how you did on tests, why you got the grade you got, whether you’ve done your homework, and whatnot, and I know that that can make you feel like I think you don’t care about these things. I’m sorry about that.” (i.e. define and own the problem)

Then this:

“I know you do care.” (i.e. reinforce their agency)

Then this:

“So, I’ve decided that for one week I’m not going to ask a single thing about your academics. Tests, homework, projects, whatever it may be, I’m not going to ask.” (i.e. make a commitment to do things differently)

And finally:

“I know you’ve got this.” (i.e. reinforce their agency again, and show you believe in them)

Why do I recommend this? Well, when you’re constantly checking up on the academic transactions in their life, you make your kid feel like a stock in the stock market (as if you might dump the stock if it underperforms). And if you have one of those insidious parent portals at your school (where you can see each teacher’s grade book at every moment of every day) this breeds a kind of obsessive tracking that makes the kid feel wary and frightened, as if someone is constantly looking over their shoulder (because in effect, you are!). You want your kid to have agency in their life. You want them to feel believed in but not hovered over. Doing the one week cleanse makes room for your kid to show up in their own life in the ways you and they will ultimately feel proud of. In place of “How did the math test go?” you can ask “What’s good in life these days?” or “What did you like about school today?” And the key is, take a genuine interest in whatever they say. Our kids are hungry to be loved for who they are. Taking an interest in whatever interests them is a great way to show your love.

Parents tell me that after the one week cleanse they see these results:

• kid is better behaved
• kid does their own work
• kid appears to be happier
• parent is less anxious
• more laughter in the home

In fact, after one week, you may find that your whole parent/child dynamic has changed. The question then becomes, how do you incorporate this wisdom into daily life? Because I mean yes, you may want to know what’s up academically, but maybe now that you’ve had your cleanse you can ask for academic updates once a week instead of every day! Maybe you won’t even need to ask anymore because you’ve made room for your kid to start opening up to you on their own volition.


About the book

A provocative manifesto that exposes the harms of helicopter parenting and sets forth an alternate philosophy for raising preteens and teens to self-sufficient young adulthood.

In How to Raise an Adult, Julie Lythcott-Haims draws on research, on conversations with admissions officers, educators, and employers, and on her own insights as a mother and as a student dean to highlight the ways in which overparenting harms children, their stressed-out parents, and society at large. While empathizing with the parental hopes and, especially, fears that lead to overhelping, Lythcott-Haims offers practical alternative strategies that underline the importance of allowing children to make their own mistakes and develop the resilience, resourcefulness, and inner determination necessary for success.

Relevant to parents of toddlers as well as of twentysomethings - and of special value to parents of teens-this book is a rallying cry for those who wish to ensure that the next generation can take charge of their own lives with competence and confidence.

Watch the TED Talk: